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Term dates and school times

Regular attendance at school is extremely important if children are to make progress and parents/carers are responsible for getting their children to school every day.

School opens at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm (32.5 hours per week).

Children are expected to arrive in school in good time (8.50am-9.05am). The gates close promptly at 9.05am. Children who arrive after this time will need to report to the school office, morning registration closes at 9.10am.


If your child is not well enough to come to school, please inform us by telephone before the start of the school day on 01522 527339.

Term Dates

It is very important that children attend school every day during term time. Holidays should only be taken during the allocated holiday dates.

In exceptional circumstances, you can apply for an absence in term time. This application must be made in writing to the Headteacher in plenty of time for a decision to be made and notice of that decision given. You can obtain a leave of absence form from the school office.

Term time and holiday dates are available below.